Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wednesday 09/24/08 W.O.D.

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps:

Hang Power Clean 95lbs
Weighted Sit-Ups

Anchor feet and use med ball for situps


Rolf said...

8:55, as rx'd, with 12# ball

Sean said...

15:09 as Rx'd, 15-lb. ball on GHD

1 mi. run
3x3 weighted pull-ups, 25 lb.
5 muscle-ups
1-leg squat practice

Anonymous said...

75lb clean
11lb abmat situps

2850/3000 ohs


Rolf said...

I did my situps on a big ball...I bet there is where a lot of the time difference is.