Monday, April 19, 2010

CrossFit Workout - Tuesday 04/20/10


3 rounds for time

500M run or 500M row
21 kb swings - 55lb
12 pullups

The standard Helen workout has 400M runs, but we do 500M using our Spring Garden block route.  If you prefer to do a 'pure Helen', ask a trainer to show your one of our 400M routes. Down Larchmont to Franklin and back or down Cordova to the 8th house on the left and back.

Warmup: trainer's choice
Cool down: 2 mile run or 4000M row

Kate "Killer" Rawlings Workout

hanging death by pullups.

perform one dead hand pullup during minute one, two during minute two, three during minute three...continue for 30 minutes. When you can not perform the required number of pullups in one minute, reset to one rep for the following minute and repeat the process again. Record the number of pullups completed in each of the thirty minutes. You can use a slight kipping motion for the concentric, but you must pause after each eccentric.  That means pause at the bottom of each pullup rep.


Jillian did the Men's weight Rx'd tonight, 13:59

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