Tuesday, February 21, 2012

CrossFit Workout - Wednesday 02/22/12

CF Cleveland Ab Routine + ball slams, 25 reps each x 5 rounds
plus deadlift 50 times your body weight.

There is no time component to this workout.  Mix in deadlifts at any point in your workout. Example, if you weight 180 pounds, perform as many reps of deadlift to reach or exceed 9,000 total, you choose the weight.  Recommended - load the bar to equal your bodyweight and perform 50 reps throughout the workout.

Warmup: Deadlift approximately 75% of your bodyweight for 30 reps.  These do not count in your total weight lifted in your workout.
Cool down:  Trainer's choice + break down your barbell and put away bar and bumpers.


1 comment:

Rick said...

Holy hell, that looks like some work, time to get 'er done!