Sunday, April 10, 2016

CrossFit Workout - Monday 4/11/16

Max rep Monday

6 minutes - max double unders
5 minutes - max crossover pushups
4 minutes - max KB swings
3 minutes - max burpee pullups

30 seconds rest between rounds, just enough time to record your reps and reset the clock. Show up on the hour or half hour, as usual, to begin your warmup.  There are no mid-WOD starts, everyone starts together as a group.  Time your arrival and warmups accordingly.

Sneak Peek for the Week:

Tuesday:  Squat cleans, EMOM, 55 total reps,
Wednesday:  Running, rain or shine
Thursday: Clean and Jerk, heavy singles
Friday:  Surprise
Saturday:  Partner WOD or 1/2 Marathon Ruck at 10:00am

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