Wednesday, July 11, 2012

CrossFit Workout - Thursday 07/12/12

Deadlift 100x your body weight

You choose the weight on the bar.  There is no time component to this workout.  Take as much time necessary to lift a total of one hundred times the amount you weigh.  You must maintain perfect form on all reps and you must take at least 30 seconds rest after every 10 reps. You decide all the other variables. Changing the amount of weight on your bar (up or down) is allowed, but you do the math.

Scaling.  If this is your first deadlift workout with us, you will lift 50 times your body weight in total.  If you have some experience but still consider yourself a novice lifter, you will lift 75 times your body weight in total. Your trainer will help you pick your weights & totals based on your ability.

Warmup:  2000 meter row and 100 squats, any combination
Cool down:  Trainer's choice

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