Sunday, November 20, 2016

CrossFit Workout - Monday 11/21/16

This is a deload week of the current strength cycle, leading up to a CrossFit Total on Saturday.

Strength/Skill:  Pause KB goblet box squats 5-5-5-5-5

Conditioning:  Rowing Nancy

5 rounds, for time, of
400 meter row
15 OH squat  95/65

Sneak Peek for the Week:
Tuesday:  FGB prep, 3 x 3 minute rounds of sdhp, box jumps & push presses
Wednesday: 20 minute AMRAP of front squats, KB swings and ?
Thursday: Closed all day for Thanksgiving
Friday: Deck of Cards, warmups starting at 9:00am and 9:30am.
We will be closed during the early morning hours, holding two workouts today. Doors open at 9:00am and the first Deck will start at 9:20am sharp. The second group will start the warmup at  9:30am and the second Deck will start at 10:00am sharp.  Be on time and be ready to roll, you will not be permitted to join a group 'mid-deck".
Saturday: CrossFit Total

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