Thursday, January 30, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Friday 1/31/14

Deadlifts and jumping pullups, 9 rounds for time 
(10 minute time cap)

jumping pullup, 25 rep per round
Deadlift 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 reps 

Men 255lb, women 185lb, scale to no greater than 70% of 1RM. Jumping pullups have no eccentric load. Stand on a box that puts your elbows at slightly more than 90 degrees and jump through the full range of chin over bar to elbows fully extended.  This is purely an endurance movement with no upper body strength component.  Perform all DL reps with perfect form, no bouncing plates off the floor into the next rep.  No dropping the bar from the top or it is a "no rep". Slow and steady on the deadlifts, fast and furious on the jumping pullups.

*The deadlift rep scheme is a pyramid, the jumping pullups are constant each round. 

**Weekend Update:  We will have a Friday Night Super Sweet Workout at 6:00pm this weekend.  Doors open at 6:00pm and the workout will start promptly at 6:20pm.  If we have a large crowd we will go in multiple heats or we might turn it into a Partner WOD.  

Saturday:  Business as Usual with doors opening at 8:00am, last warmup starts at 10:00am.  Basic Intro Workout at 11:00am, first-timers are welcome.  First 3 visits free, then $5 after that.

Sunday:  YES, Open Gym on Sunday Feb 2(Ground Hog Day!)  Doors Open at 9:00am, lights out at 11:00am. Members only, please no guests or drop-ins on Sundays.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Thursday 1/30/14

Strength:  overhead squat 5-5-5-5-5

Metcon: Death by air squat 20-2-4-6-8-10-12...until you fail. Squat must clearly below, not at, parallel for rep to count.  That is the standard for CrossFit Games competitions.  At or above parallel is a "no rep".  That means the crease of your hip drops below the top of your knee.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Wednesday 1/29/14

Rowing Webster, for time

2000M Row
125 ball slams
100 jumping squats
75 push-ups. HR
50 burpees


Monday, January 27, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Tuesday 1/28/14

Strength:  Thruster 5-5-5-5-5

Metcon: 21-15-9 reps of wall ball shots, pullups & box jumps

Sunday, January 26, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Monday 1/27/14

This is an old favorite we first did at CrossFit Extreme Fitness in Rockville, MD years ago.  We repeat it here about once a year.

max rounds in 20 minutes of....

front squat - 5 reps  95/65
kb swing - 10 reps  55/36
jumping ring dip - 15 reps

Warmup: CF Warmup, 10 reps each x 3 rounds
Cool down:  49 burpee ball slams, for time

**** Blame the cool down on Francisca, it's her birthday.  Cheers!


CrossFit Workout - Saturday 1/25/14


Thursday, January 23, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Friday 1/24/14

"Deck of Cards" the hard way!

Please get in on the hour or half hour so you don't miss the start of the Deck.  You will not be able to join a group after they start the workout.  New Decks start at....




Friday: Yes, we will have another Super Sweet Friday Night Workout. Doors open at 6:00pm to start one group warmup with the WOD to start at 6:20pm sharp. This is not an Open Gym format, the entire group will be doing Friday's Member WOD.

Saturday: Business as Usual, doors open for members at 8:00am, get in by 10:00am at the latest to start your warmup. Basic Intro Workout at 11:00am. All are welcome, first 3 visits are FREE.

Sunday: Yes, Open Gym in the morning. Doors open at 9:00am, lights out at 11:00am. Come in and work on your weaknesses and make up a WOD you missed this past week. Members only please, no guests or drop-ins on Sundays.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Thursday 1/23/14

5 rounds, increase weight each rounds
3 reps Turkish get-up - R
5 strict press - R
3 reps Turkish get-up - L
5 strict press - L

Perform 200M max effort row sprint after each round.  Record fastest time.


Warmup: one 500 meter row then 3 rounds of 10 burpees, 15 box jumps and 20 jacknife situps. 

Cool down: trainer's choice


Friday: Yes, we will have another Super Sweet Friday Night Workout. Doors open at 6:00pm to start one group warmup with the WOD to start at 6:20pm sharp. This is not an Open Gym format, the entire group will be doing Friday's Member WOD.

Saturday: Business as Usual, doors open for members at 8:00am, get in by 10:00am at the latest to start your warmup. Basic Intro Workout at 11:00am. All are welcome, first 3 visits are FREE.

Sunday: Yes, Open Gym in the morning. Doors open at 9:00am, lights out at 11:00am. Come in and work on your weaknesses and make up a WOD you missed this past week. Members only please, no guests or drop-ins on Sundays.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Wednesday 1/22/14

Romanian Deadlift 10-10-10-10-10

Plus a nasty conditioning workout to follow

Here is a video from Catalyst Athletics showing the form we will be using, Romanian Deadlift



Friday: Yes, we will have another Super Sweet Friday Night Workout. Doors open at 6:00pm to start one group warmup with the WOD to start at 6:20pm sharp. This is not an Open Gym format, the entire group will be doing Friday's Member WOD.

Saturday: Business as Usual, doors open for members at 8:00am, get in by 10:00am at the latest to start your warmup. Basic Intro Workout at 11:00am. All are welcome, first 3 visits are FREE.

Sunday: Yes, Open Gym in the morning. Doors open at 9:00am, lights out at 11:00am. Come in and work on your weaknesses and make up a WOD you missed this past week. Members only please, no guests or drop-ins on Sundays.

Monday, January 20, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Tuesday 1/21/14

Strength: Squat clean 5-5-5-5-5

Conditioning: 3 rounds for time of 25 pushups & 25 wall ball shots

Warmup:  Rowing, lunges and air squats
Mobility:  Front rack & squat stretch


Sunday, January 19, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Monday 1/20/14

For time.....
KB swing - 100 reps
Row 1500 meters
KB swing - 100 reps


Saturday, January 18, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Saturday 1/18/14

Angie or Bambi, choice.


Thursday, January 16, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Friday 1/17/14

Double unders and something else, a bunch of each.  This wod will loosen you up from this past week, get you ready for Saturday and still kick your ass.


Weekend Update:

FRIDAY: We will be open for one WOD in the afternoon with the warmup starting at 6:00PM.  This is NOT an Open Gym format, you will do Friday's Member WOD with the group.

*** Based on popularity of this Friday afternoon time, we may continue this every week.

SATURDAY: Business as Usual, doors open at 8:00am, last warmup starts at 10:00am.  All are welcome at our Basic Intro Workout at 11:00am, first three visits are free.  bring a friend, bring an enemy, just be there!

SUNDAY: OPEN GYM hours from 9:00am until 11:00am.  Members only, please.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Thursday 1/16/14

Strength: Split Jerk 5-5-3-3-1-1-1 find your 1 rep max

Metcon/WOD: 5 rounds for time, 8 handstand shoulder taps R&L & 12 wall ball shots

Warmup:  CF Cleveland AB Routine, 30 reps x 3 rounds each
Mobility: Inchworm into 5 piked pushups x 5 + Trainer's choice
Cool down:  Side Plank, 2 minute hold each side


Weekend Update:

FRIDAY: We will be open for one WOD in the afternoon with the warmup starting at 6:00PM.  This is NOT an Open Gym format, you will do Friday's Member WOD with the group.

*** Based on popularity of this Friday afternoon time, we may continue this every week.

SATURDAY: Business as Usual, doors open at 8:00am, last warmup starts at 10:00am.  All are welcome at our Basic Intro Workout at 11:00am, first three visits are free.  bring a friend, bring an enemy, just be there!

SUNDAY: OPEN GYM hours from 9:00am until 11:00am.  Members only, please.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Wednesday 1/15/14

Strength:  Back Squats  followed by a nasty little CrossFit Metcon

How heavy and how many will depend on how good your form is and how much experience you have with back squats.  I will be the judge and let you know which of the following you are doing:

1-1-1-1-1-1 to 1RM (true max)
3-3-3-3-3-3 to 3RM (training max)
or a 5x5

Bring your numbers, previous 1RM, 3RM and/or 5RM.


Monday, January 13, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Tuesday 1/14/14

Barbells and pullup bars, for about 12 minutes.  Show up and see more.


Sunday, January 12, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Monday 1/13/14

Max Rep Monday....3 minutes of work, 1 minute of rest. Show up to see which movements and how many.


CrossFit Workout - Saturday 1/11/14


Thursday, January 9, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Friday 1/10/14

5 rounds of

10 strict ring dips
15 reverse hyper extensions
30 wall ball shots for time  20lb/10ft-M  14lb/8ft-W

Rest as needed between rounds, time only the wall ball shots.  Record all five times. Use bands for assistance on ring dips if necessary, using minimal assistance.


FRIDAY:  Staci is having a Paleo/Zone Nutrition discussion with her Executive Fitness Program groups at 7:00pm at our original box in Lakewood. All members are welcome to attend. It will last 30-45 minutes unless you bombard her with questions.

SATURDAY: We are having shooting a short promotional video Saturday morning at 9:00am. Don't forget to wear your favorite CF Cleveland SWAG in case you end up on camera.  Doors open at 8:00am for the Member WOD, get here by 10:00am to start your warmup. 11:00am Basic Intro Workout, first 3 visits are free.

***** Our 4th Annual Holiday Party starts at 2:00pm and runs until 5:00pm, Bay Lanes in Bay Village, OH.  Free for members and their families.  Food, drinks and all the bowling you can handle.  there's talk about an after party nearby at the home of one of our favorite member-couples.  Details available at the party.

SUNDAY:  Open Gym, doors open at 9:00am and lights out at 11:00am.  All members welcome.  Please no guests or drop-ins for the Sunday session.


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Thursday 1/9/14

Strength: Snatch deadlift, find your 3 rep max

The coaches on duty will instruct you as to the proper form and technique on this lift.  Note, it is NOT our normal powerlifting deadlift movement performed with a wide grip.  You will set up for a snatch using a hook grip and pause slightly as you find the power position prior to full lockout.  You must use a hook grip for all reps.

WOD: 50-40-30-20-10 for time:  cals on rower & weighted situp  25lb-M/15lb-W.  Hold a plate, DB, KB,  med/slam ball or a case of water on our chest, your choice. Maintain contact with weight and your body at all times throughout the rep.

Warmup:  CrossFit warmup minus pullups, 15 reps each x 3 rounds.
Cool down:  30 burpees for time, 10 tuck jumps at the beginning of each minute including the start.


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Wednesday 1/8/14

Fran Pyramid

9-15-21-15-9 reps, for time, of

thruster 95lb-M/65lb-W

Compare to 1/5/13


Monday, January 6, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Tuesday 1/7/14

Strength:  15 minutes to find your 1RM clean and jerk

WOD: 12-9-6 reps of clean & jerk and burpees over bar

Use 70% of your 1RM. Scale to power clean into front squat if necessary.


Sunday, January 5, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Monday 1/6/14

Happy Birthday to Marisa.  Lucky for her, her number just happens to work in my Monday WOD template.  Cheers!

3 rounds for time of

double under - 37 reps, unbroken
double hand release pushup - 37 reps
jumping squat - 37 reps
row - 37 calories


Saturday, January 4, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Saturday 1/4/13


Thursday, January 2, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Friday 1/3/14

5 rounds of

power clean - 5 reps
back squat - 10 reps
row sprint - 250 meters

Use 1x bodyweight for both the power cleans and back squats. Time only the row sprint, record each round. Rest as needed between rounds.  Scale weight as needed, not to exceed 60% of your back squat 1RM.


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Thursday 1/2/14

We're starting out the year with a classic bodyweight CrossFit benchmark WOD, "Cindy".  It was my very first workout back in early 2006.  I remember coming up out of the basement feeling like I was run over by a truck during a bad bar fight.  Staci just shook her head when I told her what I had just done, 11 rounds Rx'd. I thought I was in pretty good shape. Fighting shape, just not CrossFit shape. Since then I've reached a PR of 19 rounds going head to head with Killer in late 2010, but have not beat that since. She got 20 rounds.  I'll give it a good go Thursday night to see where I am at the start of 2014.

Do you remember your first CrossFit workout? Tell us when, what, where and with whom.

Perform as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats

Warmup: 1000 meter row and 100 kb swings, partition any way.
Cool Down:  Trainer's choice