Wednesday, September 5, 2012

CrossFit Workout - Thursday 09/06/12

From the CrossFit main site, yesterday

95lb thruster, 100 reps for time

Women's Rx'd is 65lb.  Scale to your most recent Fran weight.  If you are newer and have never done Fran, perform 50 reps for time with a time cap of 15 minutes using a weight the coach helps you pick.

Use a rack. Jacked version is from the floor.

Warmup: 5 rounds of 20 pvc overhead squats & 10 burpees
Cool down:  Trainer's choice


Nick Dadas brought in the first batch of t-shirts for our 100 Days of Suck Challenge,, get through the 100 days of suck and get a free t-shirt! We rotate through four different sucky exercises so you get plenty of reps and adequate rest and recovery. Are you in? 50+ others have already signed up.

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