Main Site workout week continues
from 04/23/10
3 rounds for time of:
135 pound hang power cleans - 15 reps
15 burpees
Warmup: trainer's choice
Cool down: run for time, choose your distance between 1.0 and 3.0 miles
Killer's workout:
see above, at 95lbs...wearing a 15lb vest.
You too Jillian!
Followed by pushups on the minute, add one each minute until you are no longer able to complete the required reps during the minute. Without the vest.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
CrossFit Workout - Thursday 04/29/10
Main Site workout week continues with a twist, double WOD Thursday!
WOD 1: from 04/16/10
4 rounds for time
Row 500M, rest 3 minutes
Record times and post to Comments
Share a rower with a partner if it's crowded
WOD 2: Karen
150 wall balls for time
Yes, I know, you hate me. Suck it up, buttercup.
Warmup: 30 mountain climbers, 20 situps, 10 burpees - 3 rounds
Cool down: run 1.0, 1.2, 1.5 2.0 or 3.0 miles, for time - your choice
WOD 1: from 04/16/10
4 rounds for time
Row 500M, rest 3 minutes
Record times and post to Comments
Share a rower with a partner if it's crowded
WOD 2: Karen
150 wall balls for time
Yes, I know, you hate me. Suck it up, buttercup.
Warmup: 30 mountain climbers, 20 situps, 10 burpees - 3 rounds
Cool down: run 1.0, 1.2, 1.5 2.0 or 3.0 miles, for time - your choice
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Crossfit Workout - Wednesday 04/28/10
Main Site workout week
from 03/10/10
10 rounds for time of
135lb deadlift - 15 reps
pushup - 15 reps
Post time to Comments. Maintain perfect form on all deadlift reps. Women's weight, 95lb. Scale weight to approximately 40% of your 1 rep max
*** there should be an "Rx'd" next to Pete's 13:08 time, my bad!
from 03/10/10
10 rounds for time of
135lb deadlift - 15 reps
pushup - 15 reps
Post time to Comments. Maintain perfect form on all deadlift reps. Women's weight, 95lb. Scale weight to approximately 40% of your 1 rep max
*** there should be an "Rx'd" next to Pete's 13:08 time, my bad!
Monday, April 26, 2010
CrossFit Workout - Tuesday 04/27/10
Main site workout Week
from 04/19/2010
For time:
30 Handstand push-ups
40 Pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods
60 Sit-ups
70 Burpees
RESULTS: This one totally sucked!
Sorry morning folks, I cut off your names-oops!
30 Handstand push-ups
40 Pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods
60 Sit-ups
70 Burpees
RESULTS: This one totally sucked!
Sorry morning folks, I cut off your names-oops!
Kate "Killer" Rawlings' Games Training workout **
from 02/01/2010
5 rounds
105lb thruster - 5 reps
muscle-up - 5 reps
run 400M
** This is the workout Kate will do tomorrow, NOT the morning members she trains between 5:00am and 7:00am. The morning members will do the wod listed at the top of this post, not the thruster/muscle-up/run wod. It has come to our attention that some of our members have been avoiding the morning sessions because they thought they had to do Kate's WODs. Not that's funny!! ;>)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
CrossFit Workout - Saturday 04/24/10
7 rounds, for time of
15 - 30lb DB thruster
25 - situp
35 - mountain climber (R&L=1 rep)
If you came up and peeked in the window Friday afternoon to get a look at the workout for today, this is what you saw...
15 - 30lb DB thruster
25 - situp
35 - mountain climber (R&L=1 rep)
If you came up and peeked in the window Friday afternoon to get a look at the workout for today, this is what you saw...
Thursday, April 22, 2010
CrossFit Workout - Friday 04/23/10
walking lunge with a db press, max steps in 10 minutes
Men 15-20lb DBs, women 10-15lb DBs
Hold the dumbbells in the rack position, step forward and perform a lunge and finish with a dumbbell press while standing up. That equals one rep. Continue for 10 minutes.
Warmup: trainer's choice
Cool down: 2 mile run or 4000M row
Men 15-20lb DBs, women 10-15lb DBs
Hold the dumbbells in the rack position, step forward and perform a lunge and finish with a dumbbell press while standing up. That equals one rep. Continue for 10 minutes.
Warmup: trainer's choice
Cool down: 2 mile run or 4000M row
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Crossfit Workout - Thursday 04/22/10
1 minute - ball slams
1 minute - db hang squat clean (30lb men/20lb women)
max reps in 12 minutes/6 rounds
Perform as a "partner wod", Partner A does 1 minute of ball slams while Partner B does 1 minute of db hang squat cleans, then switch for minute 2. Repeat for a total of 12 minutes. Post total reps to Comments.
Warmup: trainer's choice
Cool down:: 2 mile run/4000M row
1 minute - db hang squat clean (30lb men/20lb women)
max reps in 12 minutes/6 rounds
Perform as a "partner wod", Partner A does 1 minute of ball slams while Partner B does 1 minute of db hang squat cleans, then switch for minute 2. Repeat for a total of 12 minutes. Post total reps to Comments.
Warmup: trainer's choice
Cool down:: 2 mile run/4000M row
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Crossfit Workout - Wednesday 04/21/10
Tabata deadlifts and burpees, alternating exercises for 16 rounds total - 8 minutes
20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest, x 16 (see below for full detail)
Post the overall total number of reps of all 16 rounds to Comments, include Deadlift weight.
Deadlift weight, approximately 65%-75% of your 1 rep max or 1.25-1.5 times your bodyweight and scale as needed, You should not be able to complete more than 5 or 6 reps of deadlifts in the first 20 seconds. If you can, the weight is not heavy enough. Maintain perfect form for all lifts, do not rush the reps and sacrifice form.
Warmup - 4 rounds, 15 reps of KB summo deadlifts, 20 reps pushups and 25 reps squats
Cool down: 2 mile run or 4000M row
There was some confusion the last time we posted this workout and only eight rounds were performed instead of 16. Here's the deal.
0:00-0:20 deadlift - max reps
0:20-0:30 rest
0:30-0:50 burpee - max reps
0:50-1:00 rest
1:00-1:20 deadlift - max reps
20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest, x 16 (see below for full detail)
Post the overall total number of reps of all 16 rounds to Comments, include Deadlift weight.
Deadlift weight, approximately 65%-75% of your 1 rep max or 1.25-1.5 times your bodyweight and scale as needed, You should not be able to complete more than 5 or 6 reps of deadlifts in the first 20 seconds. If you can, the weight is not heavy enough. Maintain perfect form for all lifts, do not rush the reps and sacrifice form.
Warmup - 4 rounds, 15 reps of KB summo deadlifts, 20 reps pushups and 25 reps squats
Cool down: 2 mile run or 4000M row
There was some confusion the last time we posted this workout and only eight rounds were performed instead of 16. Here's the deal.
0:00-0:20 deadlift - max reps
0:20-0:30 rest
0:30-0:50 burpee - max reps
0:50-1:00 rest
1:00-1:20 deadlift - max reps
1:20-1:30 rest
1:30-1:50 burpee - max reps
1:50-2:00 rest
Monday, April 19, 2010
CrossFit Workout - Tuesday 04/20/10
3 rounds for time
500M run or 500M row
21 kb swings - 55lb
12 pullups
The standard Helen workout has 400M runs, but we do 500M using our Spring Garden block route. If you prefer to do a 'pure Helen', ask a trainer to show your one of our 400M routes. Down Larchmont to Franklin and back or down Cordova to the 8th house on the left and back.
Warmup: trainer's choice
Cool down: 2 mile run or 4000M row
Kate "Killer" Rawlings Workout
hanging death by pullups.
perform one dead hand pullup during minute one, two during minute two, three during minute three...continue for 30 minutes. When you can not perform the required number of pullups in one minute, reset to one rep for the following minute and repeat the process again. Record the number of pullups completed in each of the thirty minutes. You can use a slight kipping motion for the concentric, but you must pause after each eccentric. That means pause at the bottom of each pullup rep.
Jillian did the Men's weight Rx'd tonight, 13:59
3 rounds for time
500M run or 500M row
21 kb swings - 55lb
12 pullups
The standard Helen workout has 400M runs, but we do 500M using our Spring Garden block route. If you prefer to do a 'pure Helen', ask a trainer to show your one of our 400M routes. Down Larchmont to Franklin and back or down Cordova to the 8th house on the left and back.
Warmup: trainer's choice
Cool down: 2 mile run or 4000M row
Kate "Killer" Rawlings Workout
hanging death by pullups.
perform one dead hand pullup during minute one, two during minute two, three during minute three...continue for 30 minutes. When you can not perform the required number of pullups in one minute, reset to one rep for the following minute and repeat the process again. Record the number of pullups completed in each of the thirty minutes. You can use a slight kipping motion for the concentric, but you must pause after each eccentric. That means pause at the bottom of each pullup rep.
Jillian did the Men's weight Rx'd tonight, 13:59
Sunday, April 18, 2010
CrossFit Workout - Monday 04/19/10
"Short WOD" week at CrossFit Cleveland
For time,
goblet squat - 150 reps
situps - 150 reps
partition in any number of reps/sets of your choice
Post time to Comments
Goblet squat, hold a dumbbell of kettlebell against your chest and perform a squat, keeping your elbows down and inside your knees as you descend. weight should be 15lb-25lb for men and 10lb-15lb for women. Firebreathers can up the weight to a 30-36lb DB/KB for men and 20-25lb DB/KB for women.
Warmup: 1 round of the CF Cleveland Gymnastic warmup (15 reps of each movement)
Cool down: 2 mile run, 4000M row
For time,
goblet squat - 150 reps
situps - 150 reps
partition in any number of reps/sets of your choice
Post time to Comments
Goblet squat, hold a dumbbell of kettlebell against your chest and perform a squat, keeping your elbows down and inside your knees as you descend. weight should be 15lb-25lb for men and 10lb-15lb for women. Firebreathers can up the weight to a 30-36lb DB/KB for men and 20-25lb DB/KB for women.
Warmup: 1 round of the CF Cleveland Gymnastic warmup (15 reps of each movement)
Cool down: 2 mile run, 4000M row
Saturday, April 17, 2010
CrossFit Workout - Saturday 04/17/10
1->10->1 pyramid of
1x pullups
2x pushups
3x squats
For time
Kate Rawlings - CrossFit Games Training
2nd workout:
3 mile run, with a big hill in the middle. For time/
3rd workout:
women using a 75lb bar and men using a 95lb bar, max rounds in 12 minutes of
one-arm deadlift
pushup - hands on bar
summo deadlift high pull

1x pullups
2x pushups
3x squats
For time
Kate Rawlings - CrossFit Games Training
2nd workout:
3 mile run, with a big hill in the middle. For time/
3rd workout:
women using a 75lb bar and men using a 95lb bar, max rounds in 12 minutes of
one-arm deadlift
pushup - hands on bar
summo deadlift high pull
Thursday, April 15, 2010
CrossFit Workout - Friday 04/16/10
for time,
50 reps - 4 count flutter kick
50 reps - situps
run 500m
50 reps - 4 count flutter kick
50 reps - situps
run 500m
100 reps - 4 count flutter kick
100 reps - situps
run 500m
Warmup: trainer's choice
cool down: run 1.5 miles or row 3000 meters
Kate Rawlings "CrossFit Games Training" workout
minute 1: 185lb deadlift, 3 reps then rest for the remainder of the minute
minute 2: max rep burpees
Continue for a total of 16 minutes, wearing a 20lb vest. Score total number of burpees completed.
Lots of deadlift PRs in the Executive Fitness groups today!
Jillian and Tricia joined Killer for Deadlifts and Burpees.
Lots of deadlift PRs in the Executive Fitness groups today!
Jillian and Tricia joined Killer for Deadlifts and Burpees.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
CrossFit Workout - Thursday 04/15/10
compliments of
3 rounds, for time
1000m row or run
50 push press (65# bar or 30lb DBs)
30 pullups
Post time and load to Comments.
1000M run = two of our 500M blocks to Spring Garden
Warmup: 10 pushups, 20 squats, 30 4-count flutter kicks - 4 rounds
Cool down: 1.5 mile run or 3000m row
3 rounds, for time
1000m row or run
50 push press (65# bar or 30lb DBs)
30 pullups
Post time and load to Comments.
1000M run = two of our 500M blocks to Spring Garden
Warmup: 10 pushups, 20 squats, 30 4-count flutter kicks - 4 rounds
Cool down: 1.5 mile run or 3000m row
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
CrossFit Workout - Wednesday 04/14/10
5 rounds
15 reps deadlift @ 1x your bodyweight
1 minute L-hold
Maintain perfect form on deadlifts, do not race through and compromise form. Do not let go of the bar until all 15 reps are completed.
Record load and total time to complete this workout. Perform as many sets of L-holds each time in order to complete a total of 1 minute of hold(s) each round. Do them on rings, paralletes, the floor or hanging from a bar. Substitute tucks if you can't hold the straight-leg version.
Warmup: 1500M row, deadlift 10 reps at both 50% and 75% of your bodyweight, or 50% and 75% of the scaled weight that you will be using for the workout.
15 reps deadlift @ 1x your bodyweight
1 minute L-hold
Maintain perfect form on deadlifts, do not race through and compromise form. Do not let go of the bar until all 15 reps are completed.
Record load and total time to complete this workout. Perform as many sets of L-holds each time in order to complete a total of 1 minute of hold(s) each round. Do them on rings, paralletes, the floor or hanging from a bar. Substitute tucks if you can't hold the straight-leg version.
Warmup: 1500M row, deadlift 10 reps at both 50% and 75% of your bodyweight, or 50% and 75% of the scaled weight that you will be using for the workout.
Monday, April 12, 2010
CrossFit Workout - Tuesday 04/13/10
30 - 20 - 10 reps for time
DB squat clean thrusters (30lb DBs)
burpee pullups
Warm-up: Trainer's choice
Cool down: 1.5 mile run/3000M row
Plank hold competition. All seven of the evening Executive Program members against the old guy. One at a time, tag-team style. They won, but the battle lasted a full six minutes.
5 rounds for max reps, 1 minute row(calories), 1 minute situps, 1 minute squats, 1 minute rest
DB squat clean thrusters (30lb DBs)
burpee pullups
Warm-up: Trainer's choice
Cool down: 1.5 mile run/3000M row
Plank hold competition. All seven of the evening Executive Program members against the old guy. One at a time, tag-team style. They won, but the battle lasted a full six minutes.
5 rounds for max reps, 1 minute row(calories), 1 minute situps, 1 minute squats, 1 minute rest
Sunday, April 11, 2010
CrossFit Workout - Monday 04/12/10 WOD Week at CF Cleveland
4 rounds for time,
50 pushups
50 situps
50 four-count flutter kicks
Warmup: 1250M row & 750M run
Cool down: 1.5 mile run
(east on Madison to Cordova, north to Detroit, west to Larchmont, south on Larchmont to Fries, west to Riverside, south to Madison, East on Madison back to the gym)
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