Monday, March 22, 2010

CrossFit Hero Workout - Tuesday 03/23/10


3 rounds, for time

800M run or 1000M row
50 back extensions
50 situps

Use GHD if available, or do superman stretches on the mat ( 1 second hold per rep)
GHD situps for advanced levels, abmat situps for all others

Post time to Comments

Warmup:  10 med ball cleans & 10 ball slams, 5 rounds
Cool down: max rep shoot-throughs in 2 minutes


Killer Rawlings - Crossfit Games Training Workout
(from CF Football)

Complete 5 rounds for time:
7 Deadlifts 185 lbs
21 Double Unders

Warmup: CF Gymnastic warmup x 2
Cool down: 3 rope pullups & 30 second L-sit x 5
#bill sucks

1 comment:

TriEric said...

I like the "results" photos Bill. It shows who kicked my ass after I left.

You were right. The morning crew was smoking ganja and it made their times slow.