Tuesday, June 22, 2010

CrossFit Workout - Wednesday 06/23/10

CF Football-style WOD

at the top of the minute
20 seconds of deadlifts and rest for the remainder of the minute
20 seconds of burpees and rest for the remainder of the minute
for a total of 8 rounds, 16 minutes

Deadift weight should be approx. 60% of your 1-rep max or 1.25x your bodyweight, whichever is less.

Record total reps per exercise per round to the white-board or post to Comments

first 20 seconds, max rep deadlifts
rest for 40 seconds
next 20 seconds, max rep burpees
rest for 40 seconds
next 20 seconds, max rep deadlifts
rest for 40 seconds
next 20 seconds, max rep burpees
rest for 40 seconds

continue until the clock hits 16:00. Alternating, you will perform 8 sets of deadlifts and 8 sets of burpees


1 comment:

Rick said...

That was fun.....sorta.