Sunday, June 27, 2010

Crossfit Workout - Monday 06/28/10

Ashley asked for a birthday wod, she's turning 36 today.  You won't forget she's 36 after this one.  Justin and Patrick, you can celebrate your birthdays today too, just pretend you're old like Ashley ;>)


3 pullups
6 pushups
9 squats

36 rounds, for time.

There is a 36 minute max on this workout.  If you can't finish in 36 minutes, record the number of rounds performed in the time allowed or post your time to complete the 36 rounds on the white-board or post to Comments.

Warmup: 36 calories on the Concept 2 rower
cool down: 36 jumping ball slams, for time

We'll see you at Around the Corner in Lakewood at 7:00pm, guest bartending fund raiser for Kate Rawlings.  Be there, and don't forget there will be a "Cash for gold, silver and platinum" crew there to pay for your night out. 

and here, the Techczar will be competing against Susie Sharp and Jim Kukral in a Celebrity Bartending Throwdown at this event. Jim says he can't beat Susie but the Tech Czar is pulling out all the stops and taking the gloves off.  Be there, baby!


1 comment:

Rick said...

Tuesday, 1 mile run, 120 burpees for time (8:04), 50 situps, off to work.
see you all tomorrow, Rick