Wednesday, June 20, 2012

CrossFit Workout - Thursday 6/21/12

Bodyweight core strength day

L-hang - 4 minutes total
L-sit - 4 minutes total
handstand hold - 4 minutes total
500 meter run - 4 sprints, for time

Perform the work listed above in any order that you choose.  Recommended is 1 minute each of the holds and 1 sprint for 4 rounds.  There is no overall time component for this workout, just get it all done.  Record your times for each of the 500 meter sprints.

Warmup: 100 mountain climbers & 100 plank jacks, any combo, 2-count for both
Cool down: 39 burpees for time (Jenn V.O.'s "Birthday Eve" cool down!)


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