Wednesday, June 11, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Thursday 6/12/14

Turkish Get-up 5 sets of 3 reps per side, plus 5 reps of 1 arm thrusters

Begin each rep from the standing position, perform 3 reps and finish with 5 reps of 1-arm thrusters as you stand up on the 3rd TGU rep of each set.  Increase weight each set.

Perform a 60 second max effort row sprint after each of the 5 rounds, for max meters.  Record highest weight used on the TGUs and the highest row sprint, in meters.  Share rowers with people warming up if necessary.

Warmup:  1000 meter row & 1000 meter run. Plus light TGU practice/review.
If it's raining, do a 1500 meter row plus 50 4 count mountain climbers instead.

Cool down: Trainer's choice

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