Wednesday, May 6, 2009

CrossFit Workout - Thursday 05/07/09

The Dirty Dozen

12 pushups
12 squats
12 Rows on the C2

12 rounds for time, Post time to Comments

This is a partner workout. Partner B rests while the Partner A does the 12/12/12 reps. Once Partner A finishes the 12th pull on the rower Partner B starts the pushups. Partner A rests while Partner B finishes the 12/12/12, that ends round one. Time is called when Partner B finishes the 12th round. If you don't have a partner, you rest for any period you choose. It's recommended to rest as long as you worked during the previous round.


Troy Bratz said...

Drew & Russ = 17:10 (new gym record)

Kate & Troy = 19:43 (in 13 rounds, because we can't remember to flip cards)

Sean said...

Done solo, subbing 40-lb. KB SDHP for rows. I maintained 30-sec. rest periods throughout.


9 Muscle-ups (826/2009)