Sunday, July 22, 2012

CrossFit Workout - Monday 07/23/12

Max Rep Monday

Max reps in 3 minutes of...

bicycle crunch
double pushup burpee
jumping squat

Rest just long enough to record # of reps yourself or yelling it out to the coach on duty. The clock does not stop running, 15 minutes total for this workout.  Pick your pullup bar or rings prior to starting the workout, perform all other movement away from the pullup bars to make room for others following you.

** Double pushup burpee=drop into a normal burpee and perform two pushups instead of one before coming up into the clapping overhead jump.

Warmup: 2500 meters, row and or run, any combo/split
Cool down: 200 meter farmer's walk, DBs with Fat Gripz, 30lb men/20lb women


Tricia taking the Beginner Fitness Workout group to Brian Norris's front yard for a burpee party!

1 comment:

Chris J said...

Nice! I can do this in my apartment (though have to figure out how to modify pull-ups).