Monday, March 17, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Tuesday 3/18/14

Strength/Skill: Full cleans 5-5-5-5-5

Metcon/WOD: max rounds in 12 minutes of
1 rope climb
10 pushups - hand release
15 squat

There will be modifications if you are not able to climb the rope to the ceiling. Do not skip today because you don't think you can climb a rope.  Both scaling options do not have you rising more than a foot off the floor and will teach you the proper movement progressions so one day you will climb that bitch, soon.

Today starts "Take-out Tuesday", with a new self defense skill taught every week during your cool down period.  A 3 minute Fran time or making it to Regionals is great, but it won't necessarily save your skin if ever find yourself in a situation where you need to defend yourself. Each week I'll teach you something that just might save your life, or at least stop someone in their tracks if they decide to mess with you.  Today you'll learn the rear naked choke.  If you've seen any MMA fights on TV you've certainly heard this term.  It's really a strangle, not a choke, but we'll use the recognized term. I'll teach you the how and why, and the why not.  It's a simple move to do correctly but most people do it all wrong.  This new additional skill offering is totally optional for you to take part in.  If you have not interest, just skip it - or at least watch and learn something anyway.

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