Thursday, July 31, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Friday 8/1/14

Task List WOD, aka Friday Fun Day.

Show up and see the movements, or take a look on our Facebook Fan Page to get a sneak peek.

CrossFit Cleveland on Facebook

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Thursday 7/31/14

Strength first, conditioning second.

Find the max weight that you can perform the combination of

one power snatch plus two overhead squats

Increase weight following three successful attempts at this lift.  Coaches will assist you if you have questions on the rep scheme or weight increases.  Rest as necessary between lifts.

Conditioning: max rounds in 7 minutes of
15 wall ball shots
5 double squat burpees

Warmup: Posted on the whiteboard
Cool Down:  Coach's choice

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Wednesday 7/30/14

row a mile, for time
CF Cleveland Unbroken Double-Under Pyramis Challenge
run a mile, for time

Rest as needed between WODs

Monday, July 28, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Tuesday 7/29/14

1 rep power snatch + 2 reps overhead squat x 30, for time. 7 minute time cap.

95lb-men, 65lb-women.  Scale weight down as needed to be able to complete all reps with full depth and perfect form. 1 squat snatch + 1 OH squat is permitted, but not required.

*** Jacked version: max reps in 7 minutes, performing all squat snatches. Declare prior to starting.

Warmup:  CrossFit Warmup, 10 reps each x 3 rounds, increasing weight on OH squat each round
Cool Down:  Coach's Choice

Sunday, July 27, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Monday 7/28/14

Happy Belated to Heather L.S. and John F.

for time

40 calories on Concept2 rower
41 pullups
40 pushups - double hand release
41 calories on Concept2 rower
40 DB thruster  30/20
41 burpees

Warmup: 81 jumping jacks, 81 kb swings, 81 situps. partition any way
Cool down: Coach's Choice

CrossFit Workout - Saturday 7/26/14


Thursday, July 24, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Friday 7/25/14

Task List WOD, aka Friday Fun Day

100' broad jumps
agility ladder w & w/o burpees
handstand holds

Warmup & Cool down, on board.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Thursday 7/24/14

Bench press 5x10
Ring dip 5x10
Row Sprint 5x125

Warmup & Cool down:  On the board

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Wednesday 7/23/14

Max rounds in 15 minutes of

250 meter row
20 pistol squats

****Special Option for those of you who missed Monday's WOD due to our early morning F-up, you can do it instead of the row/pistol amrap.

Warmup:  CrossFit Warmup, 10 reps each x 3 rounds
Cool down:  Coach's Choice of grip strength work

Monday, July 21, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Tuesday 7/22/14

12-9-6-3 reps for time of

handstand pushup
power clean  135/95

Warmup:  row 300, 5 power clean & push press, run 200 x 4 rounds
Cool down:  Coach's choice

CrossFit Workout - Monday 7/21/24

3 rounds for time of

7 strict pullups - no kip
21 kb swings
32 wall ball shots
21 kb swings
7 burpees

55/36 KB, 20/14 wall ball

Warmup: 32 cal row, 32 squats, 32 pushups, 32 hollow rocks x 2 rounds then a 500 meter run

Cool down: Coach's choice

Who is 32? Heather L.  🎌🎃

Sunday, July 20, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Monday 7/21/24

3 rounds for time of

7 strict pullups - no kip
21 kb swings
32 wall ball shots
21 kb swings
7 burpees

55/36 KB, 20/14 wall ball

Warmup: 32 cal row, 32 squats, 32 pushups, 32 hollow rocks x 2 rounds then a 500 meter run

Cool down: Coach's choice

Who is 32? Heather L.  🎌🎃

Saturday, July 19, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Saturday 7/19/14

Thursday, July 17, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Friday 7/18/14

4 rounds, not for time, of

deadlift - 12 reps, @ 60-70% of 1RM
single unders, max reps in 3:00
200 meter run

Rest one minute between rounds. Alternate forward and backward single unders each round.  Record Deadlift load and total skips for each round. Perform all deadliest reps with perfect form, no dropping or bouncing bar into next rep. Beginner lifters will be scaled to a lower weight, selected by your session's coach.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Thursday 7/17/14

4 rounds for time of

15 toes to bar
30 goblet squat  55/36
500 meter row & run (2 each)

Row 2 rounds and run two rounds, you choose which rounds are which, but you must do two of each.

Warmup:  CrossFit Warmup: 10 reps each x 3 rounds
Cool down:  Coach's Choice

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Wednesday 7/16/14

Strength:  Find your 5 rep max DB shoulder press and 3 rep max barbell push press

Metcon & afterWOD, on the board.

Monday, July 14, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Tuesday 7/15/14

Death by hang cleans, every minute on the minute perform long as you are able to complete the required reps within the minute.

Men 95lb/Women 65lb.  Jacked version 115lb/80lb. Scale weight as needed

Sunday, July 13, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Monday 7/14/14


4 rounds for time of

500 meter row or run
50 pushups

Row it all, run it all, or mix it up. Your choice

Warmup & cool down:  Coach's choice

Saturday, July 12, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Saturday 7/12/14

Wall walks and wall balls

Thursday, July 10, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Friday 7/11/14

Friday Choice Day

Strength Workout, Deadlift pyramid, 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 reps at 75-80% of your 1 rep max


D'Over/Makeup Day, choose any workout from the past 7 days.

Warmup:  Based on the WOD you choose, on the Whiteboard

Cool Down:  Coach's Choice

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Thursday 7/10/14

For time

2000 meter row
100 meter lunge into 1000 meter run

** Jacked version, add 50 Market Ball Slams

Warmup:  CrossFit Warmup, 10 reps each x 3 rounds
Cool down:  Coach's Choice

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Wednesday 7/9/14

50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of....

kb swing
pushup - hand release
double under

Warmup:  CF Cleveland AB routine, 30 reps each x 3 rounds, sub hollow rocks for bicycle crunches
Cool Down:  400M plate carry, pinch grip.  4 minutes if inside/raining

Monday, July 7, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Tuesday 7/8/14

Max front squats in 9.5 minutes, with 4 burpees on the minute, every minute, except the first and last.

You choose the load, min and max will be listed on the board for men and women. Post bar weight and total amount of weight lifted.

Warmup:  CrossFit Warmup, 10 rep each x 3 rounds
After WOD: Coach's Choice

Sunday, July 6, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Monday 7/7/14

Choice of AMRAPs today

Cindy, Mary or Nicole

If you don't know your Cindy score or want to go for a PR, do this one. 

If you've done Cindy recently pick one of the other two. 

Warmup: 300 meter row, 5 pushups, 10 squats, 15 situps x 4 rounds

Cool down: Coach's choice

Saturday, July 5, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Saturday 7/5/14

Toes to rope

Thursday, July 3, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Friday 7/4/14

We are closed all day in observance of Independence Day. Take a rest day, run a 5k or bike 20 miles through the Metroparks. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Thursday 7/3/14

Strength workout - 5-5-5-5-5

Choose one

A: front squat
B: push press
C: overhead squat
D: power clean

Increase weight each set. 

Warmup: 1500 meter row, 45 burpees, any combo. Continue warmup performing several light sets of your workout movement, starting with an empty bar

Cool down/after wod: Coach's choice

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

CrossFit Workout - Wednesday 7/2/14

Swinging Jackie

For time.....

1000 meter Row
70 kb swing. 55/36
50 thruster 45/30
30 pullups

Warmup: CF Cleveland Ab routine 25x3
Cool down: Coach's Choice