Sunday, August 21, 2016

CrossFit Workout - Monday 8/22/16


5 rounds for time of

400 meter run
15 overhead squat 95/65

Scale down to a weight you are able to perform all reps with full depth and perfect form. That might mean a pvc pipe squatting to a med ball or box.

Warmup:  CrossFit warmup, 10 reps each x 3 rounds
Mobility:  Shoulder rollouts and squat stretch, 1 minute total, each
Cool down:  Coach's Choice

Sneak Peek for the Week
Tuesday:  Snatch deadlifts and power snatches, for about 10 minutes,
Wednesday: Romanian deadlifts, fairly heavy
Thursday:  Recovery WOD, bring your speed rope
Friday:  Make-up Day w/alternate WOD
Saturday:  KB Swing Suckfest

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